Location:Madison, AL

About Nekoluver01: this is the game im playing if u do my user name is Sazukie is either crying or just sitting infront of the computer debating wheather to get on or just listen to depressing music Mood: my online father is going to hrd timez & it makes me sad :S mood song: I'll Be Your Home by: Rin Oikawa Status:TAKEN i feel a rush of many emotions at the moment i hav no clu how to react to either look at it as a way of life...or a girft from the devil. though i probably dont believein many promices anymore im still too guilable and is sucked into everything. i try to help...if i try to hrd they dont want me around anymore...if i do help them they kik me bak into the hole that i just helped them out of......i have no clue wat to do next now .....chatango seems to make good and bad. good- i make new freinds and i become real close to them bad- like weeks or months later they try to push u away or dont wanna tlk 2 u anymore -_-' i have taken so many hits to the wall that it came tumbling down no matter how strong i built it so now i just welcome pain ^^ things in life usually happen for a reason. I'd Rather Spend 1 Minute Holding You... Than A Lifetime Knowing I Never Could. The truth is everyone is gonna hurt u... u just have to decide who's worth the pain... If a gaurdian dies....what happens next much for "Forever & Always" ƒÅë hħ brôúgh ú§ ôgèhër bú í cÄñ jú§ å§ ëå§íl¥ èår ú§ åpÄr